Thursday, December 20, 2012


Yesterday while studying for my last exam I paused to watch a youtube video about "the secret". For a while I have been studying people who have moved their lives from living without to living in abundance. And I have toyed with many ideas and dabbled in a couple of things. I have now come to realize that my failures and successes where merely reflections of my thoughts and ideas. I will give an example of my highs and lows and how my state of mind, my drive and my desires determined my outcome. 

In 2000, I had a very brilliant idea, I wanted to study in the US. My parents knowing what my desires were, didn't really discourage me but quiet frankly did not believe that it would eventually come to fruition. What I had was tunnel vision, I knew in my heart this was what I wanted and I desired it so much that in 2004, I enrolled in college in the US. Three years later I graduated with a 3.5 GPA. And to top it all off, I graduated loan free. But in 2008 when I began graduate school, the scenario was very different. I was feeling sorry for myself. I had just lost the job that I thoroughly enjoyed. Eventually it got so bad that I ended up taking two and a half years off from school. Whenever I look back at my life back them, it was as if I expected the scenario to play out the way it did, and guess what, it really did. We are the sum of our thoughts and the life that we live and the blessings that we acquire are all reflective of the thoughts that we think.

So what is "the secret"? The secret is a principle which teaches that we are not victims but we are the masters of our own destiny. We can make our lives change simply but changing our thoughts. And that living in abundance is merely a reflection of us believing that we truly deserve abundance. When I gave myself the excuse that dropping out of graduate school was an option, I dropped out. The same principle applies for so many things in our lives. If you want a husband, a wife, true love, a better job, great health, then you have to claim it. You have to desire it so much that there is no other option but to have it. Have tunnel vision, there is  no plan B because plan A is the only option. 

So how does this apply to the bible. Well most philosophers who speak on "the secret" speak about the universe giving us our desires. But whenever I read the bible, it opens to me the very same laws and principles that if applied will allow us to live in abundance. For example, Hebrews 11 vs 1 says, that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidences of things not seen". Isn't that the same principle? If we truly believe that we deserve something, and we truly trust in God's ability to bless us with what we desire, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. 

So my friends, here I am writing to inspire and motivate, but most importantly, I am taking the step to moving above and beyond. 

One Love