Hey Guys,
This morning for my devotional exercise, I watched a sermon online. The preacher was DeVon Franklin whose sermon was based on getting a breakthrough from God. DeVon Franklin is currently engaged to Meagan Good. Shortly after watching this sermon, I got a call from one of my girlfriend's and we begun conversing about living life in abundance. Now there are many ways to define living in abundance. Many people would say, living in abundance is having wealth to do whatever you want, others may say, living in abundance is having a thriving relationship with God. For me living in abundance is reaching your full potential. I believe when you have cultivated a relationship with God where you allow Him to lead your life, then He will bless you. Here are some faithless facts that I believe are keeping us from truly living in abundance.
Faithless Fact 1. We do not believe in ourselves.
I spend a lot of time, researching people who are successful and one thing I find common among them is their belief in what they have put their hearts and minds to. As a result of that belief, they become energized and mobilized to making their accomplishment work. We are all created with a great mind and with the ability to do great things with our lives, but often times we do not have the faith within ourselves. Wow, faith another word with roots in the bible. For God to truly bless us, we have to show Him that we have the confidence to move and get the job done. I do believe a lot of us, myself included places various limitations on ourselves that prevent us from being propelled forward. Many of us do not set high goals for ourselves partly because we do not have the faith that we are capable of attaining it.
Faithless Fact 2. We do not feed ourselves properly.
We are what we eat. I am not talking about what you physically eat, but what you feed your minds. How many of us spend so much time watching shows on TV and perusing the internet, but find little or no time to read an uplifting book, something of worth that will make us mentally strong. Housewives, Love and Hip Hop and the other reality shows have become such constants in our lives that we spend many hours discussing them with our friends and thinking about them. We need to begin molding our minds with information that will help us grow into the person we want to become.
Faithless Fact 3. We do not listen.
There are so many things in our lives that are geared towards attracting our attention. Many of us cannot really identify what we truly enjoy doing when we are alone by ourselves. That is because we are rarely alone by ourselves. We need to take time to go to a quiet place, without the phone and other tech devices and be one on one with nature. Sit still and listen. Being still brings clarity, it allows our creative juices to begin flowing. I was listening to an interview with Jada Smith and one of the things she does is spend time meditating in the morning. There is nothing more relaxing to me than getting up early in the morning before dawn, having my devotion and keeping still and listen to God. Many times I hear His voice very clearly and profoundly.
Faithless Fact 4. We do not want to get rid of old stuff.
How many of us want more, but are not willing to let go. I am talking about clutter, emotional and physical clutter. We hold on to so much baggage. Boyfriend who broke our hearts, parents who were not there. Listen, forgiveness is not for the forgiven its therapy for the forgiver. Let the baggage go. Another thing is hoarding stuff in our homes that is causing clutter. Have you not realized that you cannot be clear in a messy home environment. Not because it was your first purchase means that you have to hold on to it. You will NEVER become clear, until you have cleared out both the emotional baggage that you carry along with you and the personal items that are old and taking up space in your home. God cannot bless you if you are holding on to clutter.
There are so many other interesting Faithless facts that I will be sharing in my next blog. Until then, "walk good." If you are into fashion, check out my friend's blog at http://www.sodeleciaesque.com/ .
One Love