This week is definitely one of those weeks that will determine the rest of my life. Even though I am not at liberty to say exactly how, but I am definitely waiting in anticipation. My life for the past few months have been very interesting. Last night as I sat to write a program for the youth service ministry at my church, I began wondering what is it that God is trying to tell me. I thought about what I wanted to reveal to the youth about God's character but within it all there was a deeper message for me.
The program is based on God not always answering our prayers in the affirmative. I know God hears and answers our prayers but what happens when we pray and we try and we are working so hard at what we want but things just do not seem to be going in our favor, what is the next step what do we do? This week I have been praying for something in particular but at times it just seems like God is not yet ready to give me what I am asking of Him. He knows how important it is to me, He knows the positive results it will have on my life yet He continues to withhold that which I am asking. What lessons am I to learn from that, how do I respond to God?
To drive my point home a little more, what if your child is ill, really ill and you have been praying that God will heal that child. No one wants to see their child suffer right? But what if that child does not make it, how do you respond to God. I am at that point where my faith and trust in God is being tested on a secondly basis. I am bombarded by issues that I have to constantly work through and I wonder if I am ever going to see that day when I am just free. Then there are those moments when I look at the lives of others and their lives seem so fluid. Things seem to flow in to their lives with ease and everything seems so positive and I again ask God, why not me? Do you have those moments? Is it just me?
At times I wonder if all it takes to be really successful is dedication and hard work. But I see people who are dedicated and they work really hard all the time so what really is missing?
Food for thought. Let me know what you think.
One Love
Danni B